Thursday, February 11, 2016

UT regents ready to spend to be the best

If anyone is interested in University of Texas, Texas politics, money, the health and the medicine field, I think you will enjoy reading this article published by Austin-American Statesman. Not only should you read this article, you should also follow the recent news about the University of Texas System. The Board of Regents will meet in Galveston on February 11th, 2016, and they are prepared to approve more spending on three "high-priority initiatives." One of the initiative is telemedicine, a word I just learned today, which is a combination of telecommunication and clinical health care. The initiatives will be signed, accepted and guaranteed by the Permanent University Fund. Does something sounds familiar? The article also states little details about other programs and spendings. I believe that there will be a lot more money talk going around very, very soon.

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