Thursday, March 24, 2016

On March 21, 2016, Greg Degeyter published an article called "It’s time for the legislature to reach out to minorities" on the I had a hard time understanding the article and its title. According to the title, Degeyter suggested that the legislature should get more minorities' involvement. But, what he wrote in the article is a little different from the title. What he really wants is "collaboration" and "cooperation" of minorities on legislation, only "shared" values and no disagreement.
Was he trying to convince the audiences that the legislature need to reach out to more minorities for the open seats and their involvement in the legislature? Or was he trying to promote his plans, lack thereof, on certain issues for the legislature's upcoming session? If his intentions were both, then the article was very poorly written. The author greatly lack credibility, having no hard evidences or proofs to make a strong argument.
Therefore, I can only assumed who his intended audiences are, and are they extreme conservatives who want as little changes possible for the Texas Legislature's bills, policies and programs? Other than more minorities' involvement in the legislature, I find it hard to agree to what he wrote. Most of the readers will find it hard to agree to his article as well. I truly believe, and most readers will agree, that there are way more actions to be taken when tackling issues such as immigration, law enforcement, healthcare, sex trafficking and abortion than his suggestions. But, of course, only the Texas Legislature will decide what is the law.

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