Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Capitol Politics Blog by Hannah Newborn

There is no doubt that there are problems with Standardized testings in Texas. And one of the main problem has to do with efficiency. But these testings do have their benefits. It's just that these benefits could be much greater.

I do not agree that we should get rid of the entire Texas standardized testings. Instead, we should improve them and make them more efficient. Some of the major problems I see with the standardized testings are the amount of time required from schools each year, the incentives or lack thereof, and how poorly they are structured/organized/administered.

Schools with higher overall scores and performances should be well rewarded. We must create incentives for schools, and the reason for them to compete. This will naturally drive up most schools' overall performance within competitive districts.

And the main reason to keep standardized testings? It is for our tax-paying citizens.
Tax-payers in Texas deserve the right to know how well the schools, they paid for, perform compare to other schools at a national, state and local level. After all, education is one of the main portion of their taxes.

Newborn's blog "Capitol Politics"

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